pKa calculation with a proton transfer collective variable
example input files for a path-metadynamics simulation of acetic acid dissociation and proton transfer with Plumed and CP2K
Bernd Ensing
October 31, 2020
Software package for simulating adsorption and diffusion of molecules in flexible nanoporous materials
David Dubbeldam
October 31, 2020
Finding Collective Variables with FABULOUS
Ferry, Alberto, and Bernd’s Ultimate Learning Of Useful Slow-coordinates
Bernd Ensing
October 31, 2020
Software package for simulating adsorption and diffusion of molecules in flexible nanoporous materials
Tristan Bereau
November 10, 2020
Path-metadynamics with Plumed 2.5
Software to extend Plumed with path-collective variables
Bernd Ensing
October 31, 2020