Dilara Coban
Dilara joined the group of Ioana to study solvent affects on collagen aggregation
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences University of Amsterdam
Dilara joined the group of Ioana to study solvent affects on collagen aggregation
working on machine learning-guided design of therapeutic peptides in the group of Dr. Ioana Illie
Working on the structural adaptability of tardigrade-inspired peptides in the group of Dr. Ioana Ilie
Working on Peptide design to inhibit apoptosis in the group of Dr. Ioana Ilie.
Working on the nanoplastic impact of protein structure and function in the group of Dr. Alberto Pérez de Alba Ortíz
In memory of Christopher Lowe Chistopher Lowe passed away this summer, after a short but severe illness. Brief biography A native of the English north-west,
Working on inverse design of self-assembling materials with dynamic design parameters in the group of Dr. A. Pérez de Alba Ortíz.
Bernadette is MS student in the group of dr. Ioana Ilie, working on protein aggregation via coarse-grained simulations.
Researcher in the group of prof. Peter Bolhuis studying the serotonin receptor using molecular simulations and enhanced sampling techniques.
Erasmus+ exchange student from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, working on finding sodium sensors in plants using molecular simulation with Jocelyne Vreede.
Post-doctoral researcher working in the group of dr. Ioana Ilie. Works on the rational design of peptides to inhibit prion induced toxicity.
Master student in the group of Dr. Ir. B. Ensing working on machine learning and active learning for modelling molecules and electrochemical systems.
MSc student in the group of dr. Bernd Ensing, working on enhanced sampling methods combined with machine learning.
MSc student in the group of prof. P. G. Bolhuis working on patchy particles and chemical reactions catalysed by colloids.
Postdoctoral fellow, Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences and Informatics Institute, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics and Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena
Postdoctoral researcher in the groups of dr. Jocelyne Vreede and dr. Alina Astefanei at Analytical Chemistry.
MSc student Computational Science working in the group of dr. J. Vreede
Visiting postdoc in the group of dr. J. Vreede and prof. dr. P.G. Bolhuis.
PhD student of prof. dr. P.G. Bolhuis in Computational Chemistry (2016-current).
I work on performing large scale GPU powered rare event sampling to understand nucleation mechanism and rate calculation of a variety of systems
PhD student in the group of dr. Bernd Ensing in Computational Chemistry (2017-current).
Former PhD student (2014-2018) of Dr. D. Dubbeldam. Currently works at AkzoNobel as Color Researcher.
Former PhD student (from 2012-2016) of Dr. D. Dubbeldam. Currently works at SURFsara as Advisor Supercomputing & Quantum Computing.
Former postdoctoral researcher (2011-2014). Currently works as Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester.
Former PhD student (2010-2014) of Prof. P. D. Iedema. Currently works as Assistant Professor at the University of Utrecht.
Visitor in the summers of 2012-2014, working with dr. D. Dubbeldam on simulations of adsorption in MOFs and zeolites.
Visitor in 2014, working with dr. D. Dubbeldam on simulations of adsorption in MOFs and zeolites.
Former PhD student (2009-2013) of Prof. P. G. Bolhuis. Currently she works as a Post-Doc at the Bioinformatics Institute at Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
Former PhD student (2003-2007) of Dr. C. Lowe. Currently works as Software Engineer at IMC – Financial Markets.
Former PhD student (2008-2013) of Prof. E. J. Meijer. Currently working as a Post-Doc at School of Physics at GTech.
Visitor in the summers of 2012 and 2013, working with dr. D. Dubbeldam on simulations of adsorption in MOFs and zeolites.
Former PhD student (2011) of Prof. Dr. A. Fasolino and Prof. E.J. Meijer.
Former group member (2000-2009). Currently Researcher and lecturer at University of Amsterdam.
Former PhD student (2004-2008) of Prof. A. Fasolino. Currently work at Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Reservoir Engineer and Product Owner Integrated Software, Subsurface Modelling Technology team.
Former PhD student (2003-2008) of Prof. E.J. Meijer. Currently works as Assistant Production Unit Manager at Shell.
Former PhD student of Prof. B. Smit (2003-2007). Currently works as Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering at New York University School of Law.
Fomer PhD student (2001-2006) of Prof. E.J. Meijer. Currently works as Senior Analyst Energy Trading & Risk Managment at Vattenfall.
PhD student (2002-2006) of prof. dr. P. Iedema. Currently works at at the Centre for Infectious Disease Control at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
Former PhD student (2001-2005) of Dr. C. Lowe. Currently works as Managing partner at RbD Asset Management.
Former PhD student (2000-2005) of Prof. B. Smit Currently works at Shell Amsterdam.
Former post-doctoral rsearcher (2002-2004). Currently Group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces.
Former PhD student (1999-2004) of prof. dr. B. Jérôme and prof. dr. B. Smit. Currently works as Tech Lead, Education at Elastic.
Former PhD student (1999-2004) of Prof. B. Smit. Currently works as Institute Manager at the FNWI.
Former PhD student (1998-2003) of prof. dr. B. Smit. Currently works at Elastic.
Former postdoctoral researcher (2001-2003) of Prof. B. Smit. Sofia Calero leads the Materials Simulation & Modelling group in the Department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Former PhD student (1999-2003) of Prof. E.J. Meijer. Currently works as Chief Application Scientist at Culgi.
Former PhD student (2000-2003) of Prof. E.J. Meijer. Currently works as Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Former assistant professor (2001) in the groups of prof. dr. B. Smit and prof. dr. A. Bliek.
Former PhD student (from 1997-2000) of Prof. B. Smit. Currently works at Delft University of Technology as Professor and Chair Engineering Thermodynamics.