- Ensing Bernd (University of Amsterdam)
- David Dubbeldam (Van ”t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences)
- Daan Frenkel (U Cambridge)
- Evert Jan Meijer (University of Amsterdam)
- Berend Smit (EPFL)
- Jocelyne Vreede (University of Amsterdam)
- Ineke Weijer (University of Amsterdam)
january, 2021
04jan(jan 4)9:00 am15(jan 15)12:00 amMolSim-2021
Event Details
Organisers Ensing Bernd (University of Amsterdam) David Dubbeldam (Van ”t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences) Daan Frenkel (U Cambridge) Evert Jan Meijer (University of Amsterdam) Berend Smit (EPFL) Jocelyne Vreede (University of Amsterdam) Ineke Weijer (University
Event Details
This year’s edition will be offered fully online.The school targets PhD and postdoctoral researchers who want to learn these techniques to study topics in physics, chemistry or biology. The course may also be followed by advanced MSc students. It offers a recap of the statistical mechanics relevant for molecular simulation, and addresses basic and advanced simulation techniques including Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, rare events, coarse graining.
The school will have as special focus areas path sampling methods for rare-event simulation. These will be covered with special sessions, including a hands-on part for setting up path sampling for various type of activated processes, by experts in the field (Titus van Erp, NTNU, NO; Peter Bolhuis, University of Amsterdam, NL).
All techniques will be accompanied by illustrative examples of present day research.The school will be open for registration by early October. The school has a limited capacity, though the limit remains to be set.Tentative program
(Given the move to an online setting, the format and content might still be slightly adjusted)Monday: Introduction Statistical Thermodynamics
Tuesday: Monte Carlo: Basic Techniques
Wednesday: MC: Ensembles
Thursday: Molecular Dynamics: Basic Techniques
Thursday: Poster session
Friday: Advanced MD: Ensembles
Weekend: no lectures or lab course
Monday: Free Energy and Phase Equilibria
Tuesday: Advanced MC: Biased Sampling Methods
Wednesday: Advanced MD: Modeling Biological Systems
Thursday: Selected Topic: Rare Events Modeling by Path Sampling
Friday: Selected Topic: Rare Event Methods by Path Sampling
4 (Monday) 9:00 am - 15 (Friday) 12:00 am
Evert Jan MeijerFull Professor Computational Chemistry Groupe.j.meijer@uva.nl Science Park 904