Hannah Jonas defends her PhD

Dr. Hannah Jonas has successfully defended her dissertation titled Colloidal patchy particle architectures: Simulations of accurate models in and out of equilibrium. She was promoted by Prof. Peter Bolhuis from HIMS and Prof. Peter Schall from IoP. In her thesis, she used patchy colloidal particles interacting via critical Casimir interactions as mesoscopic analogues for molecular, […]

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Molecular Simulations School 2024

The CECAM winterschool on Molecular Simulaiton will once more be organised at the UvA in the first half of January 2024. See the CECAM website for more information.

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Jocelyne Vreede is new programme director of BSc Chemistry in Amsterdam

Growing appreciation and interest in UvA/VU joint degree 1 February 2022 Since the beginning of this year, Dr Jocelyne Vreede is the new programme director of the Chemical Sciences Bachelor, which is taught as a joint degree with the Vrije Universiteit. Vreede succeeds Dr Sape Kinderman who held the position for over eight years. With […]

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